Marcel Jongmans

Marcel Jongmans

Ik maak mensen enthousiast over zichzelf, de organisatie waar ze voor werken en nieuwe ideeën.

Things not to do

Forget about being solely motivated by money. It’s not just about the dollars and cents, my friend. But hey, let’s be real, money is pretty awesome. I mean, who doesn’t enjoy the freedom and security it brings? I know you’ve…

Atomic habits

Get ready to supercharge your goals and unleash your full potential with “Atomic Habits”! This game-changing book by James Clear, renowned expert on habit formation, provides an unbeatable roadmap for constant improvement, no matter what you aspire to achieve. Prepare…

Being average is hard

IntroductionIn our quest to fit into the world we inhabit, we often find ourselves adhering to societal norms, traditions, and cultural expectations. However, when we pause and reflect, we realize that being average is actually a challenging feat. Surprisingly, it’s…

Join the 33% community

Are you ready to unlock your full potential? To soar to new heights and embrace a community that champions your growth? Look no further! Welcome to 33Percent, the vibrant and empowering on- and offline community for people that want to…